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The search engine Google got it's name from the word "Googol" which refers to the number one with a hundred zeroes after it!

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Coca-Cola company got its name from its 2 key ingredients derived from the the coca leaves and kola nut. Its creator changed 'k' in Kola to 'C' to make the name look better. 


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The name 'Adidas' comes from the name of its founder Adolf (Adi) Dassler (Das)

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It is adapted from Kwanon which is the Japanese name of The Buddhist Goddess of Mercy.

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The name 'Pepsi' is derived from the digestive enzyme name pepsin !

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It is derived from the danish phrase 'Leg Godt', which means to play well!

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Originally the idea for the name was 'Sky Peer to Peer', which later became Skyper and finally Skype!


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This company was started as wood pulp mill, it expanded its business to producing rubber products in a city in Finland called Nokia


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The name was derived from the Latin word, 'Sonus' (meaning sound) and an American Slang word, 'Sonny' (meaning bright youngster)!